17th International Congress of Christian Archaeology


Acta XVII International Congress of Christian Archaeology



  1. Make sure your contribution relates to the overarching theme of the conference namely Frontiers: The Transformation and Christianisation of the Roman Empire between Centre and Periphery: https://ciac.sites.uu.nl/. Also, make sure your contribution has a thesisthat relates to the main topic of the conference. Contributions should not merely present the reader with a descriptive list of monuments. Instead authors should reflect on the implications of the archaeological findings vis-à-vis the issue of borders and frontiers.
  2. We realize that the previous point may pose problems if your presentation was in the Novitates Still, we would like to encourage colleagues who were contributing to that particular section to try to come up with a thesis and relate their discoveries to the theme of the conference. Please reflect on how your discovery matters and how it can be contextualized archaeologically or historically.
  3. If you identify certain monuments or artifacts as Christian and it is not self-evident that this is the case, please specify or make explicit what justifies an identification as Christian in your view.
  4. Along similar lines, if you use certain datings or chronologies, indicate how you arrive at your chronology or refer to the findings on which it is based, either by citing primary data or by referring to the appropriate scholarly literature.
  5. We expect original contributions, which have not or are in the process of being published elsewhere.
  6. Articlesmay be composed in English,Italian, German, French, and Spanish.Please consider that English texts will reach the largest audience. The publisher has a strong preference for English in his marketing policy.
  7. Each article has an abstract in English of 300 words at most.
  8. Papers have to be submitted in Word for Windows.
  9. Articles must have a minimum of 3000 and not exceed 4500 words including abstract, notes and bibliography. Each article may have 4 illustrations at most.
  10. Papers which are not delivered before the deadline, which are exceeding the number of words or illustrations or do not follow these guidelines, will not be taken into consideration for publication.
  11. If you are writing in a language that is not your own, make sure to have your text checked by a native speaker before you submit it.
  12. If you cite primary sources in either Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Coptic or whatever other ancient language, please provide a translation of the text. Please indicate what fonts you are using for any of the ancient languages.
  13. The author must keep a complete copy of the paper and the illustrations.

Text formatting

  1. Contributions – whether based on papers, posters or Novitates-presentations – should be structured using at least the following subheadings: Introduction, “Main Text,” and Conclusion. If you need more subheadings to further structure you text, please feel free to do so.
  2. Subheadings should be printed in italics. Avoid numerations (1, 2., 3. etc.).
  3. The document should contain no special codes. Use regular Roman font and italics. Use hard returns only to mark the end of a paragraph (alinea).
  4. Paragraphs should be justified to the left margin, separated by a space, and unindented.
  5. All pages, including captions, notes, etc., should be numbered consecutively throughout the text, not by individual sections.
  6. Al illustration items such as figures, plates and tables should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals.
  7. Quotations in modern languages should be in regular font and between quotation marks “abcd” (a quotation within a quotation « »).
  8. Quotations in Latin should be in italicswithout quotation marks; in Greek they should be in Greek letters, in regular font and without quotations marks.
  9. For terms used in an unusual way or highly specialized terms: ‘efgh’.
  10. Place quotation marks outside periods and commas, like “this.”
  11. Use your processor´s automatic footnote feature. Use footnotes and not endnotes. Footnote numbers should be placed after a comma or period, like this.1
  12. Abbreviations should follow the Archäologische Bibliographieand the Richtlinien of the German Archaeological Institute(DAI):https://www.dainst.org/documents/10180/70593/02_Liste-Abk%C3%BCrzungen_quer.pdf/2c74093b-c8b6-4c6a-8af1-17a155109505An additional list is given below. If an abbreviation cannot be found here, please write the title in full.


  1. There is room for a maximum of four illustrations per contribution. This number includes maps and drawings. Images can be printed in black and white and in colour.
  2. Only digital high resolution illustrations (at least 300 dpi) are accepted.
  3. Drawings, graphic elaborationsmust contain a meter. Ground plans and maps also a North arrow.If photos of objects do not contain a meter, the measurements should be given in the caption.
  4. All illustrations should be referred to in the text in this way e.g. (fig. 5).
  5. All captions have to start with the title / identification of the object or the location of a building / site.
  6. The final part of any caption should give all necessary references (archive, number, publication, photographer etc.).
  7. The illustrations should be delivered as separate and numbered files. Also the captions have to be submitted in a separate file.
  8. Contributors are responsible for clearing copyright issues if they are not copyright holders themselves.

Bibliography and annotation

  1. Bibliographical references in the footnotes have to be given in abbreviated form, indicating the last name of the author, the year of publication and the page, e.g. Testini 1966, 13.
  2. References to more pages should be given with the first and last page of the relevant passage, e.g. 13-15. References with f. or ff. are not allowed.
  3. Please provide the bibliography in alphabetical order in a separate fileand be sure that all abbreviated titles in the notes correspond to the titles in the bibliography. Each article will be published with its own bibliography.
  4. Books: Momigliano, A.D.,Alien Wisdom: The Limits of Hellenization(Cambridge 1975).
  5. Articles in journals: Beck, R. “The Mysteries of Mithras: A New Account of their Genesis.” JRS88 (1998), 115-28.
  6. Articles in edited volumes: Février,-A., “Le culte des morts dans les communautés chrétiennes durant le IIIe siècle”in: Atti del IX Congresso Internazionale di Archeologia Cristiana. Roma 21-27 settembre 1975(Città del Vaticano 1978), 211-274.
  7. Articles in encyclopedias, lexica etc.: Deichmann, W., s.v. “Baptisterium”in RAC1 (1950), 1157-1167.
  8. Abbreviations of titles of periodicals and standard works may be used, and should follow those used in theArchäologische Bibliographieand the Richtlinien of the German Archaeological Institute(DAI):https://www.dainst.org/documents/10180/70593/02_Liste-Abk%C3%BCrzungen_quer.pdf/2c74093b-c8b6-4c6a-8af1-17a155109505

Quotations from Classical and patristic sources

  1. Names and titles should be indicated in Latin, using the following abbreviations:
  2. Classical authors: The Oxford Classical Dictionary
  3. Papyri: Oates et al., Checklist, available online:http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/papyrus/texts/clist.html
  4. Ecclesiastical authors: G.W.H. Lampe, A Patristic Greek Lexicon, Oxford 1961.
  5. Medieval authors: P. Lehmann; J. Stroux, Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch bis zum ausgehenden 13. Jahrhundert. Abkürzungs- und Quellenverzeichnis, München 1996²
  6. The name of the author, abbreviated in Latin, should be in regular font, followed by the Latin, abbreviated title in italics with the number, of the book, the chapter and the paragraph in regular font, e.g. Eusebius Caesariensis, e.10.4.
  7. Authors’ names and titles should be written out completely when appearing in the text, titles abbreviated when appearing in footnotes or parenthetical references within the text. Only the first word, proper nouns, and proper adjectives are to be capitalized, e.g.
  • As noted by Vitruvius (De arch. 2.3.3)
  • Vitruvius notes in De architectura(2.3.3)
  • 1 Vitruvius, De arch. 2.3.3
  1. These indications are sufficient when the editions indicated in these dictionaries are used. In other cases it is necessary to indicate also the edition.
  2. Hagiographic sources should not be abbreviated.


  1. The text should be delivered together with the illustrations by email. In the case of heavy files, systems such as WeTransfer can be used.
  2. As announced during our congress, this publication is refereed, meaning that all contributions will be reviewed anonymously by an international board of specialists before acceptance.
  3. The deadline for submission is: May 1, 2019.
  4. For submissions and enquiries the email-address is: CIAC2018@let.ru.nl
  5. The email-address is open for submission from February 1, 2019 onwards.

Note on offprints

Please note the publisher’s policy in the case of collaborative volumes, such as ours:

There will be no printed offprints. The authors of individual contributions will receive a PDF of their own article. Moreover, they may order up additional copies of the book with a discount of 30%.


Additional list of abbreviations

BACr = G. B. de Rossi,Bullettino di archeologia cristiana, Roma 1863-1894

NBACr = Nuovo bullettino di archeologia cristiana, Roma 1895-1922

CC = Corpus Christianorum

CSEL = Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum

ICI = Inscriptiones Christianae Italiae, Bari 1985 and later

ICUR = G. B. De Rossi,Inscriptiones Christianae Urbis Romae septimo saeculo antiquiores, Roma 1857-1888

ICUR-NS = Inscriptiones Christianae Urbis Romae, nova series, Roma-Città del Vaticano 1922 and later

IGLS = Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie

ILCV = Inscriptiones Latinae Christianae Veteres

LP = Liber Pontificalis, please make references with the number of the vitaand of the caput, which correspond in all modern editions, e.g. LP 41.5

MAMA = Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua

MGH = Monumenta Germaniae Historica

PG = Patrologia Graeca

PL = Patrologia Latina

SC = Sources Chrétiennes