17th International Congress of Christian Archaeology

Submitting an abstract

The call for papers is now closed


Archaeologists, epigraphers, and historians, including graduate students, are kindly and expressly invited to present a conference paper at the 17th International Congress of Christian Archaeology 2018. To submit an abstract, go to the provisional program page and select the session that best fits the focus of your 20-minute paper.

All sessions printed in bold are open and accept proposals. We have subdivided the program into topical sessions and into geographical ones. Geographical sessions offer room for research papers as well as for comprehensive fieldwork reports.

Shorter reports dealing with new archaeological discoveries find their natural home in the novitates section of the conference, of which there are two. There is finally also an opportunity for proposing a poster. Posters will be exhibited at both of the congress’ venues, namely Utrecht and Nijmegen. On the last day of the conference, the winner of the poster prize will be announced.

Once you have selected the appropriate session, go to the online form and fill out all fields including the one reserved for your abstract. Abstracts may be submitted in English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish. Don’t forget to include your e-mail address in the designated spot. To conclude the entire process, press submit.

If you are submitting a proposal for a poster, also use the online form. Use the abstract field to describe the project you plan to present in your poster.

The deadline for submitting this form is August 15, 2017. Abstracts that have not been submitted through the form included on this website will not be taken into consideration.

The selection of papers will be done by the convenors in collaboration with session chairs that have been selected for this purpose. Notification of whether your paper has been accepted for inclusion in the program will follow by October 10, 2017.

Please note that we cannot guarantee placement of your paper in the session you prefer: once accepted we will do our best to include your paper in the session where it fits in best.


A laptop with a beamer operating under Windows will be available for PowerPoint presentations. A laser pointer/clicker and a microphone will also be available on-site. Any additional devices must be rented from the conference venue on a single-case basis at the standard rate charged by the venue. The cost of this rental will be borne by the presenter. Presenters needing other type of equipment are asked to contact the secretariat as soon as possible, but no later than May 1, 2018.