Program per day: Friday, July 6
Location: Linnaeusgebouw, Heyendaalse Weg 137, University Campus, Nijmegen
9:00-10:30 The Balkans I
Chair: Dominic Moreau
Lucrezia Spera, Ivan Gargano, and Federico Lizzani, Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana
Il cristianesimo negli agglomerati fortificati secondari di frontiera. Limes danubiano
Irina Adriana Achim, Vasile Pârvan Institute of Archaeology, Bucharest
Monuments chrétiens aux confins de l’Empire: la frontière du Bas-Danube
Andrei Gandila, University of Alabama in Huntsville
Religion and politics: Sixth-century Christianity beyond the Lower Danube frontier
Matteo Braconi, Università degli Studi di Roma Tre
Identità religiosa, rango sociale e tensione oltremondana dell’élite tardoantica in area balcanica. Gli indicatori sociali della decorazione dei monumenti funerari di diritto private
Ivo Topalilov, Shumen University
Contra arianos? On some archaeological evidence from Thrace
Discussion (15 minutes)
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-12:15 The Balkans II
Chair: Olof Brandt
Krisztina Hudák, Réka Neményi, and Levente Nagy, University of Pécs
Recent research on Early Christian archaeology in Hungary in the 21st century
Orsolya Heinrich-Tamaska, Universität Leipzig
Between valley and hill: Church and settement during the Late Antiquity in Pannonia and Noricum
Gordana Jeremić, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade, Serbia
The traces of Early Christianity in Serbia
Discussion (15 minutes)
12:15-13:30 Lunch (own expense)
13:30-15:00 Pilgrims and Saints Across Borders
Chair: Jos Koldeweij
Philippe Pergola and Gabriele Castiglia, Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana
Isole e frontiere: i limites vandalo, bizantino e longobardo in Sardegna, Corsica e nelle Baleari, in rapporto alla topografia Cristiana
Davide Bianchi, University of Vienna
Local worship on the limes arabicus: Monks and saints between Palaestina and Arabia
Sabrina Pietrobono, Università dell’Aquila
Il Cristianesimo ‘di frontiera’ visto da Roma: santi pellegrini dalle Isole Britanniche in Italia
Carlo dell’Osso, Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana
The spread of Christianity beyond the limes: Soldiers and merchants. Notes from Christian sources
Discussion (15 minutes)
15:00-15:30 Tea break
15:30- 17:00 Novitates II
Chair: Ute Verstegen
Aleksandra Krauze-Kołodziej, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Amphitrite as the goddess queen of the sea on “iconographical frontiers”. The transformation and Christianization of the motif
Anna Paranou, Philipps-Universität Marburg
Auf der Spur der Chrisianisierung Griechenlands
Ljubinka Dzidrova, Archaeological Museum of Macedonia, Skopje
Along the edge – East and West , Stobi – The Metropolitan seat of Provincia Macedonia II at the end of antiquity
Carolyn S. Snively, Gettysburg College
The 6th Century Episcopal Complex of Golemo Gradište, Konjuh, R. Macedonia
Robbin Doppenberg, Utrecht University
Feeding the Late Roman army: An exploration of the diet of Roman soldiers at the frontier of the Roman Empire
Discussion (15 minutes)
17:00-17:30 Break
17:30-17:45 Award Poster Prize
18:00-19:00 Closing keynote lecture
Jaś Elsner, University of Oxford
(De-)Anchoring Early Christian art: Ventures beyond the world of Christian hegemony
19:00-19:15 Closing of Congress